In an effort to continue to be a resource to our patients during this time of physical distancing, INTEGRATIVE is excited to announce that we are now making virtual appointments. We can help you address your symptoms, continue or start your exercise or mobility programs, and share with you strategies for self-care. We may have to stay home right now, but INTEGRATIVE wants to keep you moving and feeling good from the comfort of your home.
Via Doxy.me, a secure, private, HIPPA compliant platform that requires no downloads and is accessible from your smartphone, tablet, or desktop, we can connect with you and help you toward your wellness goals.
What we can do for you:
Assessments: virtual consults to address any pain, problems, or nagging injuries you may be experiencing
Postural, movement, mobility screening
Foot or gait/running assessments & programming
Pelvic floor health programs
Individualized, guided home exercise program for your specific concern
Virtual individual or group Pilates sessions with live feedback
Home program designs based on the space & equipment you have available
Sport-specific movement/mobility assessments to keep you in the game
Education and advice--we are here to answer your questions
Call us and let us know you'd like to get started by making an appointment. A few minutes before the time of your appointment, you'll enter our Doxy.me waiting room at: https://INTEGRATIVEPT.doxy.me/integrativetherapy, and one of our therapists will be there to get you started!